Tom Pappenfus headshot

Vice President

Tom Pappenfus

Registered representative, licensed in Wisconsin for life, health and accident insurance

After years of tackling with ardor “just about every job I was allowed to do,” Kyle Tetting has evolved at Landaas & Company, becoming a go-to problem solver and answer man.

“I view myself as a general resource to the firm,” Kyle says.

Kyle has always thrived on intellectual challenges. As a schoolchild, he read ahead in the textbooks and solved questions before they were asked.

“I’d rather figure out an answer myself than have somebody else tell me,” Kyle says. “Maybe it’s because I was the youngest of three children. I always wanted to be independent.”

Kyle also advises clients, which benefits his research at the firm level.

“It absolutely focuses the research we’re doing,” Kyle says, “because I’m seeing how it applies to the individual investors we’re working for.

Kyle is a graduate of Marquette University’s College of Business Administration. He grew up in Kenosha and enjoys playing basketball, softball and golf. He and his wife, Monica, have a daughter, three sons and two dogs.