Category: Financial Planning

  • Advancing age, declining capacity

    Declining financial skills may be as inevitable as health complications as we age. We need not fret them as long as we are aware and take steps to protect our wealth from ourselves. […]

  • Retirement 101: Having a plan

    Most people spend more time and energy arranging vacation or a night out than they do on planning their retirement. When it comes to retirement, it pays to have a plan. Tom Pappenfus explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Retirement plans of a young professional

    By Jasmine Gladney This summer, I had the opportunity to intern with Landaas & Company. Throughout my internship, I shadowed different investment advisors, and there was a theme of retirement. Retirement seems far away. I am 23 and just beginning my professional career. But I realize I should start planning now. The question is how?…

  • Cleaning up after identity theft

    By Joel Dresang The bill I got in the mail totaled $2,838 for three robotic vacuum cleaners. The problem was they weren’t mine. My identity was stolen. I didn’t order those vacuum cleaners. I don’t even have an Amazon card. Someone assuming my identity opened a card in my name. […]

  • Crash test dummies

    By Joel Dresang New research shows that individual investors vastly overestimate the probability of stock market crashes, in part because of what they see in the news. Anticipating risks is important, but letting short-term incidents muddy long-term plans can be harmful. Often, what worries us today doesn’t even matter to the future plans we disrupt.…

  • Planning retirement via Social Security

    Free estimates available from Social Security are helpful tools for planning retirement. Lisa Lewitzke explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Safe investment withdrawals for retirees

    In a MONEY TALK VIDEO, Art Rothschild discusses how much retirees can afford to spend from their investments. […]

  • How to handle a financial windfall

    Congratulations. You won the lottery or got a bonus or received an inheritance. Before you blow it all, Isabelle Wiemero advises you to put your windfall in perspective. “Take a step back, take a breath and look at your entire financial plan,” Isabelle says, in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Retirement investing: Where to begin

    Knowing how you plan to spend your retirement and what resources you already have can help you focus your investments, as Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Long-term care in retirement

    By Adam Baley While there is no risk-free way to pay for medical costs in retirement, investors need to be aware of such potential out-of-pocket expenses and their options for covering them. They need to have a plan in place. A key concern is for your spouse – trying to make sure that long-term care…