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Investor optimism beyond Dow 40,000
“In fact, the Dow’s records actually understate my optimism for the road ahead.”
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Past Articles
Balance for safety
By Adam Baley My wife recently shared with me a conversation she had with a first grade student who asked her, “What does your husband do?” She replied, “He helps people with their money.” The student thought for a moment and said, “He must help people keep their money safe.” I was delighted at the…
Healthy to be Humble
Humility, in a word, has been the greatest lesson Art Rothschild has learned in more than 20 years of advising investors. In his latest monthly feature for the Racine Journal Times, Art says it is a concept he has witnessed and strived for throughout his career as vice president at Landaas & Company. “Being ‘humble’…
Table Turned
By Joel Dresang Call it recycling – or opportunity finding need. A heavy wooden conference table and 10 upholstered armchairs recently moved from the back office of Landaas & Company to the nearby Grand Avenue Club. The Grand Avenue Club is a downtown Milwaukee organization that offers community and a place for adults who experience…
Cyclical worries
By Bob Landaas Last summer, we still were talking of the potential for a double-dip. But later in August, it became apparent we weren’t going to go back into recession, and we turned the corner before the end of this past year, transitioning from an economic recovery to an expansion. The typical business cycle lasts…
What You Feel vs. What the Fed Sees
By Adam Baley A client called recently and was bemoaning the rising cost of her grocery, gasoline and medical bills. For her, food and energy represent the core of monthly expenses. An avid reader of the newspaper, she noticed the Federal Reserve doesn’t view inflation the same way she does. “Why does the government focus on an…
All That’s Gold Glitters
Both to support the Green Bay Packers and benefit a regional food bank, Landaas & Company staff displayed green and gold at the office two days before Super Bowl XVL. Employees donated $5 or more to Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin in exchange for adorning their professional attire with Packers-themed accoutrements, including jerseys, neckties, earrings and…