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Investor optimism beyond Dow 40,000
“In fact, the Dow’s records actually understate my optimism for the road ahead.”
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Past Articles
When should I …take my required minimum distribution?
As part of a new ongoing feature, we answer frequently asked questions on when investor should consider taking certain steps toward long-term financial plans. Included here is Chris Evers’ advice on taking required minimum distributions from IRAs. […]
Financial literacy test – The answers
Test your financial literacy See how you did answering questions in this financial literacy test devised by researchers at George Washington University and the University of Pennsylvania. The correct answers are in bold. 1. Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2% per year. After 5 years, how much…
When Should I …rebalance my portfolio?
As part of a new ongoing feature, we answer frequently asked questions from investors on when to take certain steps toward long-term financial plans. Included here is Art Rothschild’s advice on resetting the balance of stocks and bonds in your investment portfolio. […]
When Should I …start saving for college?
The sooner, the better. That’s the best approach to any saving plan. Children’s education ranks right after parents’ retirement as an investment priority for families. Factors to consider include: How much you expect college to cost How much of the cost you plan to cover How long until the money is needed How much you…
When Should I …contribute to an IRA?
As part of an ongoing feature, we’ll answer frequently asked questions from investors on when to take certain steps toward long-term financial plans. Included here is Debi Rybicki’s advice for the best time to contribute to an IRA. […]
When Should I …contribute to an IRA?
The best time to make an IRA contribution is the first business day of each year. If you make your IRA contribution at the beginning of the year, instead of April of the following year, it gives each installment an extra 15 months of additional compounding for each contribution every year. Since markets go up on average,…