Category: Financial Planning

  • Inoculations to protect against scams

    Research suggests a way consumers can wise up to scams. […]

  • Staying alert to fraudster red flags

    “The next morning, the client called back to ask what was going on. She had no idea her email had been compromised and had definitely not requested the funds.” […]

  • Like pulling teeth: Scrutinize your bills

    By Joel Dresang I’ll spare you the details of my misadventures with dental billing. The bottom line: Review your account statements regularly, and speak up about anything amiss. Considering all your effort to earn, save and invest money, you owe it to yourself to scrutinize how it’s spent. […]

  • Gratitude is an enriching attitude

    By Joel Dresang Research attests that gratitude can help us be healthier, calmer, better rested, more accomplished — even richer. […]

  • Inflation can cut both ways for retirees

    By Joel Dresang The good news about the highest inflation in 40 years is generous benefits boosts to retirees and those saving for retirement. Both Social Security and the IRS are adjusting allowances in 2023 that should help tens of millions of Americans. […]

  • Plan now for year-end investment moves

    A special Money Talk Podcast explores how investors can help themselves now with year-end transactions and paperwork by having conversations with their advisors about such concerns as capital gains and losses, charitable giving and estate planning. […]

  • Unretirement: Part of retirement planning

    By Joel Dresang In 2008, I was asked to write an essay for what was to be a sort of retirement keepsake. The book was to celebrate Brett Favre, the Green Bay Packers quarterback, who had just retired after 17 seasons. But of course, then Favre unretired. […]

  • Credit yourself by staying vigilant

    By Joel Dresang Eight months ago, when I reported that someone had tried to use my credit card without my knowledge, I said it wouldn’t be the last time. Well, on Jan. 27, it happened again. My credit card issuer texted me to say it declined a $23.65 charge with my card at Aldo shoes.…

  • Facing fears or falling to them

    By Joel Dresang A number of forces are behind people’s fear of finances. Besides individual circumstances, low financial literacy is a chief contributor to anxiety and stress over money, according to the joint study by the FINRA foundation and George Washington University. In other words, when it comes to money, what you don’t know can…

  • Knowing when to tap Social Security

    By Joel Dresang Timing retirement involves so much more than when to take Social Security. Still, those benefits play a bigger role than most people realize. […]