Category: Financial Planning
How to optimize your giving
In a Money Talk Podcast, Bob Landaas leads a discussion about wise ways to be charitable. […]
Taking care of both health and wealth
By Joel Dresang Being healthy lets us enjoy retirement more (and probably longer), but it also has financial repercussions. […]
Wealth effects: Spend, invest, retire
By Joel Dresang The wealth effect usually is mentioned as a factor in spending, but it also plays a role in investing and retiring. Of the three, I feel it affecting me the most as an investor — but that’s just the phase of life I’m in. […]
Inflation raises benefits expectations
Early signs suggest retirees could get the fattest Social Security raise in more than a decade. […]
Not your parents’ investment plans
By Joel Dresang Having smaller families has been affecting how we try to accumulate wealth and what we do with it. […]
Wake-up call: Protect against cyberfraud
By Joel Dresang In the 14 minutes we were on the phone, Mark saved me $441.36. That was the good news. The bad news was all the other rigmarole still ahead for me — and the dreaded reality that this probably will happen again. […]
Pandemic-inspired retirement rehearsal
By Joel Dresang Rehearsal helps performance. It conditions us. It informs our expectations. It lets us anticipate how we’ll handle a situation. Even improvisers rehearse. Research suggests rehearsal can help retirement, too. […]
Taking risks, fearing the wrong thing
By Joel Dresang Life is full of risks, and as we try to assess how to handle them, it’s common to misjudge which risks to fear the most. […]
Don’t believe everything I read
By Joel Dresang A study published in the Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences found “clear and alarming” evidence of declines in cognitive functioning among baby boomers. Findings could mean a reversal in recent trends of less dementia among older Americans. The financial fallout from a drop-off in cognitive skills is that it tends to coincide…
How to get more in tune with technology
Because of the pandemic, more people have become familiar with videoconferencing and interacting virtually with financial professionals, which might make them more curious about ways technology can enrich them. Jason Scuglik has tips for how to learn more about devices and applications. […]